

Day 1


We get to know you and have you detail your objectives for your Heartland experience.

Our first golf instruction session is devoted to the principles common to all golf shots.  Players then experience these principles in the performance of their putting stroke. Players find their putting consistency improves immediately.


In the afternoon we enlarge the swing from putting to chipping.  The session begins with a presentation on setup and grip.

Players discover that their chipping consistency improves almost immediately as they realize they are applying the same swing principles they used in putting.  Putting and chipping become seamless with the only significant difference being the size of the swing.

The day concludes with a return to the classroom where, with the assistance of their golf coach, players record key golf lessons from the day in their Learning Log.  This written record both aids in making the learning experience more impactful but is also an invaluable reference for practicing in the days following this 3-day program.

Day 2


We begin with a recap of Day 1. Your progress from the first day is reinforced as your coach takes you through drills and provides golf instruction feedback for your improvement.


In the afternoon, we again increase the length of the swing’s arc to achieve a full swing. Player’s find again that the principles learned for putting and chipping are common to the full swing.  They experience the consistency and seamless quality developing in their game.  The swing becomes simpler and shots improve.

The day concludes with a return to the classroom where, with the assistance of their golf coach, players record key golf lessons from the day in their Learning Log.  This written record both aids in making the learning experience more impactful but is also an invaluable reference for practicing in the days following this 3-day program.

Day 3


We return to the practice tee to reinforce the prior day’s lesson on full swing. Players now experience how that swing applies to all the irons and woods and experience the consistency that is so reassuring.


By this point, players have learned to produce an effective swing that allows them to control the direction of both their putts and approach shots. This block of instruction now addresses reading greens, distance control, and bunkers.

The day concludes with a return to the classroom where, with the assistance of their golf coach, players record key golf lessons from the day in their Learning Log.  This written record both aids in making the learning experience more impactful but is also an invaluable reference for practicing in the days following this 3-day program to further improve their consistency.